How will you celebrate?

It’s all about the magic

I’ve been making and teaching for years and some of the best moments in my pottery journey have been about bringing people together with clay

Choose your theme…

Want to make your new favourite mug with pals? Or make candle holders by Candlelight? I can host Clay Parties either at your home or in studio. Choose your own theme & make your own magic… Let me guide you with some clay themes!
  • Make Your own Mug or Breakfast bowl 
  • Baby Shower/Parenthood Party
  • Make a sculptural candle holder
  • Make anything! 
Clay can be a incredible way to bond with family, friends and co-workers and leave with something beautiful in the process. 
If you want me to host a bespoke event for you reach out to


“Remember that feeling of pure focus, imagination and relaxation from childhood when deeply immersed in painting, making mud pies or cutting out shapes?

How about the excitement of gathering for a special occasion and knowing some kind of fun activity was planned for you and your pals? Anna is like a witchy fairy Godmother who will guide you in producing your own clay works of art. 

I would recommend Anna's clay parties to anyone but in particular adults who yearn to encourage their creative spirits to play. The clay party I attended was following a birthday dinner; the large table was cleared and the materials beautifully laid out on a large piece of canvas. With candles and music and demonstrations of techniques, Anna provided a relaxing and magical environment where I got to see my friends in a new light and admire their unique visions take form. Our conversations (and drinks) flowed as Anna circulated to help us in realizing our creations.

A clay party would be a really fun and memorable addition to an anniversary, bridal party, birthday, or grief ceremony, or get-together with old and new friends. ”

— Emily E.